• 词性:形容词
• 音标:[ˈpɜːrsənl]
• 中文释义:个人的;私人的
• 英文释义:
– adjective: belonging to or affecting a particular person rather than anyone else.
• 词根词缀起源故事:来自拉丁语的“personalis”,意为“属于个人的”。
• personally: adverb, relating to a specific person's thoughts, feelings, or actions. [ˈpɜːrsənəli]: 就个人而言地
• personality: noun, the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. [ˌpɜːrsəˈnæləti]: 个性,人格
• impersonal: adjective, not influenced by, showing, or involving personal feelings. [ɪmˈpɜːrsənl]: 不受个人感情影响的,没有个人感情的
• interpersonal: adjective, relating to relationships or communication between people. [ˌɪntərˈpɜːrsənl]: 人际关系的,人与人之间的
• personalize: verb, design or produce (something) to meet someone's individual requirements. [ˈpɜːrsənaɪz]: 使(某物)个性化
The manager asked for everyone's personal information for the employee records.
• 经理要求每个人提供个人信息以供员工档案。
She prefers to keep her personal life separate from her professional life.
• 她更愿意将个人生活与职业生活分开。
In a business meeting, it's important to maintain a professional demeanor and not take things too personally.
• 在商务会议上,保持职业风度,不要太过于个人化地对待事情是很重要的。
Emily was a very organized person. She had a personal planner that she carried with her everywhere she went. It contained her schedule, to-do lists, and reminders for important dates. One day, as Emily was rushing to catch a bus, her personal planner slipped out of her bag and fell onto the sidewalk. When she realized it was missing, panic set in. Emily retraced her steps and searched frantically, hoping to find her precious planner. After several minutes of searching, she spotted it lying on the ground, slightly scuffed but still intact. Relieved, Emily picked it up and hugged it close. It may just be a planner to others, but to her, it was a personal treasure.
What is the meaning of "personal"?
• A. 个人的;私人的
• B. 公共的;共享的
• C. 社会的;群体的 (答案:A)
Which word means "relating to relationships or communication between people"?
• A. personally
• B. personality
• C. interpersonal (答案:C)
Which sentence is correct?
• A. The manager asked for everyone's personal information for the employee records.
• B. The manager asked for everyone's impersonal information for the employee records.
• C. The manager asked for everyone's professional information for the employee records. (答案:A)
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